Dear Pirate Family,
On Wednesday, September 30, the remote learning contract for the second nine week grading period will be available. This contract will last until January 6th. If you plan for your child to remain remote, we ask that you sign the agreement by October 7th. The State has made this option available this year due to COVID. The intent is to give families an option of remote learning if there is a health concern regarding the virus.
As a reminder the remote option is not for vacations, hunting trips, cruises etc. It is to provide support for families during COVID. As soon as you feel comfortable, we need your child in face to face instruction because we know that, educationally, this is the best for them. Also, our teachers are essentially working two jobs: face to face and online learning. Most of our teachers are working at least 12+ hours a day because of both of these platforms. This is another reason that if you do not have a health concern, we need your child face to face. However, if the Covid virus is causing concern for your family, then you are encouraged to exercise the remote learning option.
Pirate On,
Morgan Wright
Spurger ISD Superintendent