Congratulations to Mrs. Stephens for being in spotlight!
almost 2 years ago, Amanda Hatton
Get ready for fun in the sun for Junior High and High School! Students can wear shorts and tank top, but large armholes and dress needs to be school appropriate. Bring a water bottle, towel, change of clothes and wear plenty of sunscreen!
almost 2 years ago, Amanda Hatton
***Notes going home this afternoon with important information!!!***
almost 2 years ago, Kristi Dorvee
field day
The 100 Point Club Field Trip was a BIG success! The students enjoyed getting to play the video games and attractions at Tilt Studios in Beaumont.
almost 2 years ago, Kristi Dorvee
Amie and Sophia has completed all levels of Reflex Math! Congrats!!
almost 2 years ago, Kristi Dorvee
Congratulations to Coach Terry for being in the spotlight!
almost 2 years ago, Amanda Hatton
And the winners are......... Pre-K and 2nd Grade!!!! Congratulations! They had the most participation in dressing up in their beach attire for the Pep Rally!
almost 2 years ago, Kristi Dorvee
beach attire
Congratulations to Millie, Drexell, Bianka, Ayden, Wyatt, and Vincent for making the Bookworms Club!
almost 2 years ago, Kristi Dorvee
bookworm club
Congratulations to Mrs. Carpenter for being in the spotlight!
almost 2 years ago, Amanda Hatton
The last day of school schedule is as follows.
almost 2 years ago, Kristi Dorvee
Last Day of School
PTO will be selling sno cones for the PE Department on Field Day on May 24th for $1.
almost 2 years ago, Kristi Dorvee
Our 8th graders loved extracting DNA from strawberries!
almost 2 years ago, Amanda Hatton
Congratulations to Ashleigh Wood! SFA signing day and over $8,000 awarded from SFA for all her accomplishments! Good luck Ashleigh!
almost 2 years ago, Amanda Hatton
Please join us in celebrating our seniors who have chosen to continue their education for their chosen careers! Please take note of the corrected time.
almost 2 years ago, Amanda Hatton
5B and 6A students were rewarded with ice cream sandwich sundaes for winning the Reading Review Challenge!
almost 2 years ago, Kristi Dorvee
5 and 6
It's getting very close to SUMMER TIME! We will be having our end of the year Summer Pep Rally on Thursday, May 19th at 12:30. Elementary is also doing a beach attire dress up day for the pep rally and the class with the most participation will win a popsicle party from the cheerleaders!
almost 2 years ago, Kristi Dorvee
pep rally
Attn Spurger Parents/Guardians: Medications must be picked up from the nurse's office by 3:30 on May 26th. Medications that are not picked up will be discarded.
almost 2 years ago, PiratePride
Medicine Pick-up
Please share with friends and family so that you can keep up with these last couple of weeks of school. The JH and HS have a lot planned in the next 2 weeks! Help us countdown to summer break!
about 2 years ago, Amanda Hatton
Congratulations to Mrs. Stapert for being in the spotlight! Mrs. Stapert works with our seniors teaching the CCMR class and she is also our Dual Credit Facilitator.
about 2 years ago, Amanda Hatton
Finn is in the Bookworms Club! Woohoo!
about 2 years ago, Kristi Dorvee
bookworm club